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How Hypnosis Can Help You Lose Weight

A moment ago a woman called me and asked me, if I am a Bariatric specialist (weight loss doctor). I said that I am not a doctor, I am a hypnotist. I asked her why she wants to lose weight. She said that she is very overweight and she wants to lose weight because she worry about her health. Then she asked me how I can help her to lose weight.

Here is a dialogue we had over the phone:

“Are you a basically healthy person with a basically healthy digestive system?” I asked her.

“Yes”, she said.

“What do you think is the cause of your weight problem?”

“I eat too much”, she said.

“Why do you eat too much?”

She didn’t know.

Then I asked differently:

“Does overeating help you relax or escape from your negative emotions?”

She said: “Yes”.

“As you see, you eat too much. To lose weight you should change your eating habits. You should eat more fruits and vegetables instead of junk food”, I said.

“I tried to do it but I can’t”, she said.

“You unconsciously resist losing your weight”, I said.

Such problem can be solved through hypnosis. Your resistance to lose weight is based on some of your fears. Also, your wrong self-suggestions play a huge role. And of course, your emotional tension slows your metabolism”, I explained to her.

“As you probably know, your subconscious mind controls your eating habits, I continued. To successfully lose weight, you have to access your subconscious and “reprogram” it. Can you do it yourself? Probably, not. Can a good hypnotist help you with this? Yes!”

Your mind can be reprogrammed to help you achieve your normal weight goal.

So, if you are a basically healthy person with a basically healthy digestive system, the cause of your weight problem is not in your body, it is in your mind! To lose weight you have to change your mind, not your stomach!

Remember, you can choose to achieve your normal weight without torturing yourself with a weight loss surgery. All you need to do is be willing to let go of your resistance to lose weight!

Would you be interested in my hypnotic solution to your weight loss resistance problem?

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Alexander Ivlev

My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist, I can help you lose weight 100% naturally without any chemical pills or harmful diets.

Call for a FREE consultation: (646) 630-2173