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Your Goal Is Not Weight Loss

How many times did you try to lose weight? What kind of difficulties stopped you achieving your goal? Do you still want to lose weight?

I know some people who say that they regularly exercise and somehow they gain more weight every week. Also I know some people who say that they don’t eat too much and have a weight problem.

Let me share with you a secret:

To achieve you goal, you have to accomplish your task!

What is your goal? Your goal is not weight loss, your goal is ideal weight. How can you achieve your ideal weight? Your can achieve your ideal weight by accomplishing your task which is weight loss! Let me repeat it again:

Your goal is not weight loss. Your goal is your ideal weight.

If you focus on your goal you will achieve it. It’s a law. Your goal is ideal weight, remember? Focus on your ideal weight, see yourself slim in your mind, feel yourself as already slim and you will find the way to lose weight successfully.

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I,m Alexander Ivlev, a certified hypnotist from NYC. I can help you lose weight.

Call for a FREE consultation: (646) 630-2173