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You can normalize weight naturally.

Do you struggle to lose weight? Would you be interested in changing your eating habit instead of trying to lose weight? Eating right can help you normalize your weight. Losing weight means nothing because you can lose some weight but still be overweight. Dieting is good for quick results but sooner or later you stop dieting because you don’t like it, right?

Normalize your weight naturally by eating more fruits and vegetables.

Lose Weight with Hypnosis in Brooklyn

You can say that you don’t really like fruits and vegetables. Let me ask you: Do you want to normalize your weight or you want to be overweight? If you want to have normal weight, you should eat healthy low calorie food, mostly fruits and vegetables every day. I can help you accept this suggestion without resistance. As a result, you will be selecting healthy low calorie food including salads, fruits and vegetables, for your breakfast, lunch and dinner instead of junk food.

Fasting can help you achieve your normal weight.

I have been fasting 24 hrs, sometime 36 hrs, every week, every month during 10 years. It’s 500 days without food total! I am slim and I feel good! Fasting can be very beneficial for you but you should ask your physician about it if you want to try fasting. When you fast, you don’t feel great because your body is getting rid of toxins. Some people say that fasting is not easy for them. I can help you accept an idea that fasting is easy for you. Anyway, you don’t have to fast if you don’t want to.

Increasing your physical activity can help you normalize your weight.

There are people who try to visit Gym once and then never come back because they don’t feel comfortable there. Well, you don’t have to go to Gym if you don’t want to! Start walking long distance, instead. Walk to a healthy food store located far away from your home. Make yourself walking 15 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour every day. Running is not a good choice because your body is heavy.

Weight problem is in your mindset, not your body.

Of course, if you have some health problem then your weight problem can be connected to it. Is your digestive system healthy? Is your stomach healthy? If yes, then your weight problem can be caused by your emotional tension. For example, some people eat too much in order to escape their negative emotions. They say that they constantly feel hungry that’s why they eat too much. This is not a feeling of hunger, it’s a negative emotion.

You feel unhappy that’s why you eat too much, right?

Feeling unhappy is a negative emotion that you don’t like. Eating too much helps you reduce such unpleasant emotion. How to solve this problem? Let go of your negative emotion! Improve your mindset. The truth is it’s not easy for anyone to let go of their negative emotions, especially anger and fears. As a hypnotist I can help you let go of your negative emotions.

Are you interested in becoming a person who enjoys being slim?

You already know that your weight problem can be solved by healthy eating low calorie food, mostly fruits and vegetables. Also, you should increase your physical activity and take care of your mindset. If you really want to enjoy being slim then nobody can stop you from achieving your goals. Allow yourself to stop struggling and start feeling good every day!

My name is Alexander Ivlev. As a certified hypnotist I can help you normalize your weight 100% naturally.

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