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How To Lose Weight Without Resistance

How many times did you try to lose weight? How many times you actually lost some weight and then gained more pounds back?

You may say that you need stronger willpower. You may also say that you were born to be overweight and nothing you can do about it.

Let me tell you that there is weight loss resistance in your mind. This resistance has a purpose in your life. Here is the truth:


You resist losing weight because you don’t want to lose protection. Of course you even don’t realize it but it’s true.

If you will find another way to protect yourself then weight loss will be an easy thing to do. For example you can find new kind of protection by changing the way you think about yourself. Instead of thinking that you are hopeless, you may start telling to yourself that you are good at achieving goals. Self-talk is a very powerful way to change your perception.

You may also learn self-hypnosis which is a kind of meditation and use it for your own well-being. Now you know how to lose weight without resistance.

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 I,m Alexander Ivlev, a certified hypnotist from NYC. I help people lose weight.

Call for a FREE consultation: (646) 630-2173