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Back Pain Reduction With Hypnosis In NYC

Do you have chronic back pain? Do you feel hopeless because  nobody can’t help you? Try hypnosis! No drugs needed.

Attention: If you have back pain, you have to visit a doctor. Hypnosis is not medicine. 

Here is how hypnosis works for back pain reduction.

Your mind has ability to heal your body. Your mind and your body are connected. If you have a peaceful mind you feel good.  When you are angry your feel not good. Unfortunately we constantly think bad about ourselves and other people, we get angry if something is not right.

Every thought affects the body. The negative thoughts and negative emotions create  chronic  back pain. Hypnosis can help you reduce your back pain by relaxing and getting rid of all negative thoughts and negative emotions hidden in your mind.

Hypnosis is a natural state of the human mind where the critical faculty is bypassed.

Think about hypnosis as meditation. During a hypnosis session my clients feel very relaxed. After each session they feel 100 times better then before because hypnosis is also a powerful tool for stress reduction. I am telling you this again: your mind can heal your body.

If you have chronic back  pain then probably your mind is full of anger and you even don’t know about it. As soon as your mind is free from your negative thoughts and negative emotions your chronic back pain is gone!

Hypnosis works very effectively when everything else fails.

No drugs needed. Back pain reduction with hypnosis in NYC is your non-drug choice.

My name is Alexander Ivlev. I am  a certified hypnotist. In order to become my client you need to get a referral from your doctor. 

Call for a FREE consultation: (646) 630-2173